Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Carburetor, steering, front end, springs

Had the Scout back in the shop last week for some carb work. There was gas leaking where the carb mounted to the engine. I tightened it up a bit and stopped the leak but could not get the engine to run smooth again - too rich! Bob Pruitt got hat fixed simple enough but while I had it there we discussed the spring situation and the sterring gear box again. I was referred to Truett Worell Co. down in Dallas. They have been there since 1940 and they surely know there stuff. They went to work on getting the front end in order. They think the gear box might be okay. Just lubing the tie rods and drag link could help. These old vehicles don't have grease fitings so they get stiff. Also may need front end alignment. They think they can work on the springs to soften 'em up a bit without replacing them, which would be pricey.


Unknown said...

So I am considering restoring a 78 Scout. I haven't found the one I am looking for yet, but I was wondering how much you have sunk into yours. Just so I know what I'm getting into.

Christopher said...

So far I have about $20K in in. I don't know what this vehicle would fetch on the market today for sure but I suspect it's far less than that! I have done a lot to this Scout as you can see on the site and I have done none of the work myself. You can save a lot by doing the work yourself if you are mechanically inclined.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Gary, for your estimate. I think I will hold off for now. I don't have the cash to do it justice.

Christopher said...

i understand that...