The grill was in pretty bad shape but locating a
quality replacement was not an easy task. I did find several listed on ebay but they were in just as poor condition as what I already had. I checked out
scoutparts.com and found that they did have a used grill for sale. The salesperson told me it was not perfect. It had some small cracks but the chrome still looked very good and the International medallion was sharp, and it was definately a lot better than what I had. He offered me a little discout and I took it. The salesperson did tell me that he has been hearing that a new replacement grill fpr the Scout II based on old tooling might be soon be available. If so, I may consider the upgrade later but what I have now looks pretty good on the old Scout!
Thank you for your interesting blog.
See you later.
At the first sight, I knew this is a boy's site. If you like, take a look at diana-didona-diana.blogspot.com
You wouldn't like it, but...I made it yesterday.
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