Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wire harness problem

When I picked up my Scout from Chip for the first time after it's major refurb,. I only managed to get a couple miles down the road before I immediately had engine problems and I had to call in a tow truck to haul me back to Chip's place. With zero hours on the new engine (17,130 on the odo -- that's probably 117, 130 I imagine...), it coulda been any number of things. But Chip and John figured it out rather quickly. The bulkhead connectors had degraded to the point where the wire harnesses would not stay connected. Chip and John were able to quickly rig up a couple of cable ties to hold everything securly in place and I was back on the road in an hour. This fix seems to be working well for now anyway. There are also some burned wires behind the dash and under the hood, so I have placed an order with Super Scouts Specialists for new main dash and engine harnesses as well as new bulkhead connectors. The new harnesseses and connectores should alleviate future problems in these areas. There are also headlight and tailght harnesses on Scouts but all these wires have pretty much just been redone so I don't think they are worth replacing again at this time.

By the way, Super Scout Specialists do these harnesseses the right way. They create them from scratch on pegboards from the original factory blueprints with all the correct connectors, etc. And all the wires are cut to the exact correct length, same as originals. You don't jut get a big bag of assorted connectors and a large spool of wire like most of the other guys out there sell. But the down side is that it does take them 8 to 10 weeks to complete orders for these.

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